Who woulda known?

A few years ago,

Who woulda known that I would be a founding member of a 501C-3 non-profit theatre company in New York City, producing two productions in spaces off-off Broadway this summer?

Who woulda known that I’d have fallen for two really attractive boys at different times, kissed both of them, and then be told by each of them they couldn’t be with me? (and that one of them would still Facebook chat me all. the. time. (i.e. now))

Who woulda known that I would have been the girl who ate shrimp poppers and donuts without a care to a girl recovering from EDNOS? (well, the girl that knew that an eating disorder is simply a symptom of my other psychological issues woulda known)

Who woulda known that I’d have had a great deal of money stolen by a women I was subletting from earlier this year?

Who woulda known that I could spill coffee on a play and not feel anxious, wear sweats to school and not feel stupid, touch wet food in the sink and not want to puke, and lay in bed all day and not feel guilty?

Who woulda known that I’d have a B.A. in Theatre Performance in May?

Who woulda known that I’d play leads in three “plays with songs” in the span of six months? And that I’d actually do it?

Who woulda known that I didn’t do a single Shakespeare play after high school until this last summer, after growing up being the “Shakespeare girl?” And who woulda known that I have more premieres on my resume than anything else?

Who woulda known that the braces didn’t work? (fuck you, Dr. Calhoun)

Who woulda known that I take more meds (or at least the same amount) now than I did when I was first depressed and manic from ages 8-14?

Who woulda known that that place from Sesame Street that seemed like a strange, otherworldly land would now be my home?

Who woulda known that the actor I was in love with back home for my entire childhood would now be considered a “friend” in NYC, and is trying to get me work with his theatre company?

Who woulda known that people like me just the way I am?

Amazing to look backs. More of these “Who woulda known”s to come. What are yours?

“Someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It’s a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn’t education. It’s history. It’s poetry.” –J.D. Salinger

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  1. Pingback: TwirlingGirl | All she has to do is exist.

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